Thursday, August 22, 2013

Blog 3: Topic Choice and Semester 1 ESLR Goals

1. My senior topic will be structure engineering
2.What do you plan to do this year to show growth in each of the ESLRs?  Be specific and use an example.  Examples can come from senior project, model assembly, core, and/or participation in senior class ASB or other organizations on campus (clubs etc).

I will be an Effective Learner by turning in my work earlier and using my time in school wisely.

I usually turn my work in on time, but my work is usually done the day before it's due. I realize this isn't my best effort and will make my goal to finish my assignments no sooner than the day before the deadline. Another goal I will be working on is using class time wisely. To fulfill this goal, I will use house time more effectively by working on school related tasks rather than socializing with others.

I will be an Effective Communicator being attentive to the teacher/instructor and strengthening my communication skills

I will try my best to make certain of myself not to talk when the teacher is giving instructions. I sometimes have a problem with this and I will stop it by facing my eyes towards the instructor. I will also work on my communication skills and rely on my iPoly teammates in group work. For example, I will conquer my fear in socializing with others that I'm not familiar with if I am stuck in a group with these people for a group assignment.

I will be an Effective iPoly citizen by having less tardies, working for more community service hours, and joining at least one commitee:

I've made a goal that I will only have at a minimum one tardy per semester for my last year at iPoly High School. In recent years, I've gotten three tardies per semester, which is an extremely bad habit considering now there's a detention rule for seniors. I will also take advantage of my mentorship to gain more community service hours. I did reach a little bit over 200 hours after my summer mentorship; however, if I want my college application to be more successful; then I need to do more hours than what's required of my school. I also plan on joining a committee for the senior class, even though currently I still can't make a decision which committee I want to join.

I will be an Effective User of Technology by using web links to help me on my core classes and learning new functions on powerpoint programs:

I will use certain websites to help me on my studies regarding core classes and senior project. For example, I will use the url link as tool to check my work for Mrs. Pitman's physics class and to help me study for physics. Another goal I will strive for in being an effective user of technology is I will be familiar with microsoft powerpoint and google drive powerpoint. For example, I will learn new applications on these powerpoint programs such as including adding video links and adding transitions to my slides (I tend to have problems with this).

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